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Nine Fruits You Can't Live Without

Character-building (def): requiring effort or endurance to a degree

that strengthens or improves a person's character.


We have often been told by nutritionists, doctors and dietitians, that we should eat fruits high in antioxidants, to help protect our body's cells from damage. They suggest that fruits such as these nine: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, red grapes, cherries, apples, coconuts, and watermelon, are ones we should not live without.

We know we should eat these fruits for our physical health, but what about our overall well-being? Well, I would like to share nine additional types of fruit that we should not live without. These types of fruit should be consumed daily to help with our wellness. They could be best described as character-building fruit. Why, because they become a lifestyle of transformation for us. Like natural fruit, this character-building fruit also takes time to grow and requires much care and nurturing.

I invite you to join me on a challenge to make the nine different types of fruit below, an important part of your daily regime to enhance your character and your life.

  1. LOVE: Take time to love yourself and you will find it easier to love others.

  2. JOY: Find joy in all you do...even when times are less than joyful.

  3. PEACE: Be a person of mental calm, and peace will surround you.

  4. PATIENCE: Be patient with self and you'll be more tolerant and patient of others.

  5. KINDNESS: Find ways to always show kindness and consideration for others.

  6. GOODNESS: Take time to be good to yourself and let your integrity shine.

  7. GENTLENESS: Practice being tender with your words, actions and interactions.

  8. FAITHFULNESS: Be committed, faithful, and true to yourself and others.

  9. SELF-CONTROL: Practice more self-discipline, self-restraint and coolness.

So, embrace this awesome fruit of character-building, and put it into practice daily. You will discover a more rewarding quality of life!


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