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Feeling Inspired?

Are you feeling inspired?

Inspired Defined

Outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration.

Of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.

Inspire Defined

Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to

do something creative. To create (a feeling, especially a positive one) in a person.

I love the definitions for inspired and inspire. Though they seem the same they are distinctly different. Being inspired from my standpoint has to do with being challenged to excel, to do something great and think outside the box. While to inspire involves motivating someone else to do what they never thought they could.

Inspiration happens around us all day, every day. You can be inspired and inspire others in very simple ways: 1) by receiving encouragement, or 2) being an up-lifter of someone else's talents and abilities. From my perspective, inspiration has to to do with what you dream about doing and finding ways to accomplish it. It involves inspiring someone else to change, do more or be better. Most importantly, it's about believing for the impossible.

Here are a few ways to stay inspired:

  1. Read a great book, a daily devotional, or the Bible for spiritual guidance.

  2. Spend time around people who encourage and enlighten you.

  3. Keep a journal and write down your dreams.

  4. Listen to encouraging and positive music.

  5. Watch inspiring movies or programs.

  6. Be thankful for all of your blessings.

  7. Meditate on positive thoughts.

  8. Step out of your comfort zone.

  9. Set mini goals for yourself.

  10. Try something new daily.

Remember, life is full of so many possibilities; believing and staying inspired will help you increase your faith to accomplish just about anything. Stay inspired, have fun in life, and start full-filling your dreams!

I would love to hear from you. So please take some time to share what INSPIRES you. Those inspirations will be the source of inspiring another.


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