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A Time to Reflect

A time of reflection is such a beautiful thing! As we enter the Christmas holiday season, there is no better time than now to reflect on your life and the many blessings you have been granted.

During my life's journey, I have had many moments of reflection. As a result, I have learned that taking time to reflect is a key ingredient to daily living, and I am excited to share this with you.

It's important to first get a clear understanding of what it means to really reflect. According to the dictionary, reflection is about taking time to think deeply or carefully about something. It also means to ponder or meditate on something that is truly important to you.

Many people may feel as I do, that thinking deeply about something or mulling over things, can help bring calm and peace into your life, when it's embraced. This provides guidance on what you need to do, helps give more direction on where you need to go, and how to get there. It also helps you think more clearly on the things you have done and how you can make better decisions or choices for future successes.

Moments of reflection is awesome, and can have a great impact on your everyday life in very different ways. It can be spawned from something as simple as reading a good book, listening to an encouraging song, connecting with a friend, taking a long walk, or just relaxing as you watch the sunset.

During this wonderful Christmas season (and every season), find ways to experience more peace and joy. Take moments to appreciate the blessings you have been given, be thankful for life, family, friendships, and walk in an attitude of gratitude daily.

I would love to hear from you! Share with me, if you would, the changes you are making to experience new joys in life as you take the time to REFLECT.

Here's to an amazing New Year filled with more love...


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