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Life. What's It All About?

This life; yours, mine, ours--what's it all about? I love the quote referenced; it's a very bold statement that makes you ponder living. In my opinion, "LIFE truly is about giving and helping others have a better life."

In this article, I want to give you some questions to consider and ponder on for your life: (1) What are you doing that truly matters to you and those around you? (2) Are you doing things that could change your life, the environment or the world? (3) Are you experiencing peace, joy and happiness? -OR- (4) Are you just EXISTING (meaning to achieve the basic needs of existence, as food and shelter; to survive, endure or remain)?

I have learned over the years that life is filled with many challenges. But, if you see these challenges as opportunities, instead of focusing on the negatives designed to stumble you, your faith will grow and you will experience change. For ME, some of those changes include: loving and supporting others; being the first to forgive and not judging others; growing and changing for the better every day; taking risks and accepting new challenges daily; serving in the community; making a positive impact in this world; traveling to experience amazing parts of the world; believing for the impossible and living MY dreams full out and experiencing joy and happiness in all that I do. Now, YOUR turn—what do those changes look like in your LIFE?

It humbles me to think about how truly priceless life is and how it should be nurtured and cared for. You have so many opportunities to experience a great life--so why not see it through? If you don't think your life is great, or believe it can be, then be more open-minded and do something to change it. If you want to be better, as I do, you have make better choices.

So, what's it all about? This walk of life is about many things, but for me, it's has a lot to do with embracing change, helping others, growing in strength, increasing in faith and having the courage to experience joy. Stay excited and never give up, because your life and mine, is very much worth living with purpose!

Chat soon!


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