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Motivation for a Great Day

What motivates you to have a great day? How do you find the strength to successfully kick-start your day? What gets your juices flowing and your blood pumping so that you are confident you will have a WINNING day no matter what comes your way?

Does your day start out with: prayer, a great workout, listening to a motivational teaching, or reading an inspiring book? Does it start with drinking a hot cup of coffee, eating a healthy breakfast, or taking time to sit quietly and just meditate for a moment on your blessings? However you start, believe that it will be great!

I know you might be thinking,"What about my problems or life's issues?" Well, you have plenty of time to concern yourself with those challenges, but it should not be your first thought when starting the day. Start each day by purposely thinking on positive thoughts, and focusing on new ways to maximize the time you have to succeed throughout the day.

I've discovered over the years, that there are many helpful tools in life's tool box to help with daily living. Tools to aid you in making the right choices, choosing the best direction to go, and making the decisions necessary to kick-start and end your day triumphantly!

The process of having a great day will work and look differently for each of you. You might consider shifting your mind-set to focus on the Daily Tips below from Life's Little Tool Box.

So, take some time to consider how you want to start and end your day successfully!


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